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Das, Sasmita

  • Effectiveness of Communication Board on the Communication Pattern and Level of Satisfaction among Mechanically Ventilated Patients

  • Relationship of Family Support with Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Staff Nurses

  • The Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching on Awareness, Anxiety and Satisfaction of Patients Undergoing Upper Gastro Intestinal Endoscopy

  • Narrowband Interference Reduction Technique in Impulse Radio (IR) UWB Communication System Coexisting in WPAN and Underwater Environment

  • Correlation between Organizational Stress and Job Satisfaction among Registered Nurses in Selected Hospital

  • Incidence of Hospital-Acquired Infection among ICU Patients and its Association with Selected Factors, an Outcome of Health Care Negligence

  • Impact of Work Related Stress on Burnout among I.C.U Nurses:A Literature Review

  • Perceived Stress and its Association with Selected Factors among Nursing Students in a Baccalaureate Programme